One of the biggest challenges for a retailer who wants to market their store for the holidays is the budget. Spending a lot of money on a seasonal display can happen quickly, almost as quickly as the display will be taken down. How can you maximize your budget and will create a magical experience for consumers over the holidays?
TGS Elevate loves a challenge. Bring us your problems, we will bring you solutions. Facing this very issue, we helped Williams Sonoma create a seasonal stand they love so much, they use it all year round.
Take a look at this wood-modular structure. It resembles a Christmas tree with the wide base and tiers of circular displays. When filled with the bright red and white peppermint candy collection, it looks even more festive.
More than fun, this fixture is incredibly functional. It can be built to any size or height to fit any store or space. Williams Sonoma can transform a full tree into a multitier installation as the seasons and their needs for space change.
This functional solution from TGS Elevate allowed Williams Sonoma to dramatically extend their holiday budget.